Tuesday, August 26, 2008

"You don't get mad, you go mad you get angry." -Dad

So here is a video I am working on for dad but somehow when i was moving files around because my hard drives are full some file got lost that i need so i am still working on it. Also Rebecca was on her mission so we still need to add a part with her in it but i thought it would be nice to watch what we have so far because its fun to watch.

Dad from Will Thomas on Vimeo.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Latest News

Ok so I am really bad at blogging and hardly update this.  Anyways i just finished making another music video.  It was fun video to make despite the limited budget and time.  There were lots of compromises but anyone who has every shot anything knows how that is but luckily I was working with someone who is not into Himself and willing to make compromises-(Run on sentence maybe).  In the end  it turned out pretty good.  "Pretty pretty pretty good" as Larry David would say.  So I have the video and plus another video that shows some of the stuff we didnt use and outtakes (the outtakes are really only funny to those who  were there i think.)

click on the HD button to watch in a higher quality.

Memorial Day from Will Thomas on Vimeo.

Memorial Day Outtakes from Will Thomas on Vimeo.